Audio bar visualizer
Audio bar visualizer

audio bar visualizer

Loop: Using this block you can set the audio source in loop playing GetCurrentPosition: This block will return the Audio is playing or notĭataSource: Using this block you can set the audio source GetCurrentPosition: This block will return the current Audio playing Position IsLooping: This block will return the current Audio is in loop or not GetAudioSessionId: This block will return the current Audio session id GetDuration: This block will return the current playing Audio Duration Stop: This block will end the current playing Audio Release: Audio Visualizer is no longer being used, then call release()

audio bar visualizer

Start: This block will pause the current playing Audio Pause: This block will pause the current playing Audio Reset: Using this block you can reuse the audio player or recover from error state SoundLevel: Left Sound float value between 1.0 to 0 and Right Sound float value between 1.0 to 0ĪskForPermission: You can need to ask for _AUDIO permission LineVisualizer: Layout, Color : RBG color input, StrokeWidth : you can give value in Int LineBarVisualizer: Layout, Color : RBG color input, StrokeWidth : you can give value in Int, Density : you can give value in Int or floatĬircleBarVisualizer: Layout, Color : RBG color input SquareBarVisualizer: Layout, Color : RBG color input, Density : you can give value in Int or floatĬircleVisualizer: Layout, Color : RBG color input, StrokeWidth : you can give value in Int, Radius : you can give value in Int or float BarVisualizer: Layout, Color : RBG color input, Density : you can give value in Int or float

Audio bar visualizer